Prohibited to send:
- Firearms, signal, pneumatic, gas, ammunition, cold (including throwing), electroshock devices and spark gaps, as well as the main parts of firearms;
- Drugs and narcotic drugs of any origin, psychotropic substances;
- Radioactive substances;
- Gunpowder, explosive, corrosive, flammable and other dangerous substances;
- Medicines;
- Animals and plants;
- Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products;
- Human remains and organs;
- Antiques;
- Jewelry made of gold, silver and other precious metals;
- Works of art;
- Money and money documents in any form: payment orders, checks, vouchers, securities, bonds, coupons, shares, credit cards;
- Products and publications of obscene and immoral nature / content;
- Radiotelephones;
- Containers for propane;
- Liquid ice;
- Acids (including batteries);
- Glue;
- Paint and dyes;
- Biological components.